1. Ghe-O Rescue
Rescue is the ideal solution for transportation, medical support and fire extinguish capabilities on all terrains and in all weather. With off road solutions borrowed from racing and with a close to competition philosophy, the performance version Rescue is in fact, despite their truck like look, a very capable all terrain solution rivaling with any small racing equipped sports car. 

2.Bulldog Extreme 4X4 Firetruck

Based on the indestructible International 7400 4X4 platform and equipped with 54" military Hemmit tires, Bulldog is one of the most capable off-road fire trucks on the market today.

3.Ripsaw EV2

Ripsaw EV2 (Extreme Vehicle 2) is one of the world's most sought after high performance, luxury vehicles.  Originally designed and built for the military as a high speed super tank, its base platform the "Ripsaw" proved to be the fastest dual tracked vehicle ever developed, as it graced the covers of magazines such as Popular Science and won awards for invention of the year.
4. UHAC Amphibious

The Captive Air Amphibious Transporter (CAAT) is a 1:5 scale tracked amphibious vehicle prototype being developed by DARPA. It drives on the water with air-filled pontoons attached to the tracks, and is intended to demonstrate how to transport standard 20- or 40-foot containers from ordinary container ships to shore without using a harbor.


GHOST is an advanced super-cavitating stealth ship which can reduce the hull friction to 1/900th that of conventional watercraft. It was developed to provide superior protection and capabilities for US Military service personnel. It was designed, developed and built by private American company Juliet Marine Systems.


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