1.Lake Guatavita treasure :- Tribes of muisca religion used to live at Lake Gautavita is located in Colombia. They used to throw kgs of gold in that lake to please their lords. likewise,tonnes of gold was gathered inside the lake. The first attempt was done in 16th century. They were able to drain out the water from the lake only by meters.By doing that, they were able to take out the gold wroth 70 lakhs. In 1898 a person drained out all the water from the lake using modern techniques.But before finding gold, the mud in the lake became so hard.The gold was locked itself in the mud. 2.San Miguel treasure :- In 1712, through the gold and silver of worth Rs 14,000 crores from New York to Spain. Within 7 days since they started moving, a terrible storm destroyed all ships. But later seven ships were found. Only a small amount of the treasure has been recovered. But, the remaining 8 ships has to be found. 3.Nadir shah treasure:- An emperor ...